Windy City Covering Campaigns Conference

I had a fantastic time at the Covering Campaigns conference hosted by Harvard University’s Nieman Foundation and Chicago University’s Institute of Politics. I participated in a panel with a fun group of fellow political money reporters titled “Will Money Buy the Next President?” The other participants were Bloomberg’s Julie Bykowicz, now at the AP; Andy…

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Common Dreams Mention

Mother Jones reporter Andy Kroll was nice enough to mention me in an article for the Common Dreams website that included a section on “The Rise of the Super PAC.” Andy describes how, in coining the term super PAC, I was looking for something “sexy, memorable” that would capture how the Citizens United ruling was…

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New York Times Mention

A New York Times editorial about the Federal Election Commission referenced my column on the same topic and included Commissioner Ellen Weintraub’s comment to me that inter-agency bickering is contributing to the FEC’s mounting work backlog: “Everything gets objected to. Everything requires a lengthy discussion.” Read the New York Times piece here. To see the…

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Nixon’s ‘Enemies’ Gather

A number of President Nixon’s old “enemies” attendedĀ a Common Cause conference at the National Press Club March 13 on the “Lessons of Watergate.” Some of them sat on a panel I moderated on Watergate’s “Lessons and Legacy,” including former Nixon administration official Morton Halperin. Also on the panel were two fomer Common Cause presidents, David…

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